So I have had chronic ingrown toenails on my right big toe for years and years. This last weekend I got completely fed up with hurting and I have had this procedure before on my other toe and it worked wonders. I remember this other doctor actually cutting out a chunk of my toenail and putting in sutures. This other doctor made me wait three weeks to try other things before doing that though.
So I called my new podiatrist and made an appointment for today. I walk in and I said okay the last doctor that did my other foot made me wait three weeks and do all kinds of crap before he took it out. I said we're not doing that this time. I want them out now. He said okay that's a fairly easy procedure. I grab my shoes and put them on thinking well he'll schedule me for another day. The next thing I hear is....nurse prep her for surgery! I'm like whoa, what?, waaaaiiit! The resident comes in with a long needle and Novocaine. He said I have to give you four shots in the toe. I guess my face went pale and my body tensed because he said are you going to be okay? I said I'm not a needle fan. He said well we have this stuff called cold spray you want that first?! Um....HELLLOOO YEAH!! It numbs your skin so you don't feel the shots!!! I thought I'd watch and see what goes on. I was good up until the blood started coming and he started yanking on my toenail. I laid back and just closed my eyes. After some cutting, yanking and scraping he cleaned it all up and put this acid medication on there. It keeps it from growing back. Who knew!!!
We got all done and I said is this going to hurt bad later? He said ooh just take some Tylenol when you get back to work. I laughed!! I have a pain tolerance of ZERO!! I'm sure I'll be taking Lortab tonight. :-) The older I get the more I don't handle pain well. So far it's all good. I'm still completely numb across the top of my foot. I'm hoping this will take care of it all!!
I am glad that you finally got that taken care of. I think I would have gone pale too if I hadnt been prepared to have work done. How are you feeling now?
OUCH! I hope your tennis shoes aren't giving you to much grief. Oh, and guess what I did?
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